Antoinette Brown Blackwell Society

Who We Are

We are a nonprofit society founded in 1982 to honor a Henrietta, New York woman who became the first female ordained minister in the United States, and who was a prominent suffragist and social reformer.  She was the last of the original leaders of women’s rights alive when the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920, and she voted for the first time at the age of 95, achieving one of the main goals of her life’s work.

What We Do

We promote the legacy and values of Antoinette Brown Blackwell
through local scholarships and awards that acknowledge exceptional leadership and contribution to our community.

Get Involved!

Become a member of the Antoinette Brown Blackwell Society

Make a donation to support our programs.  The Antoinette Blackwell Brown Society is a fully registered New York State 501(c)(3) public charity. Gifts are tax deductible.

Nominate someone to be considered for Henrietta Woman of the Year